Eastern Sierra’s
June Lakes Loop
June Lake Loop consists of four lakes just off of highway 395. Grant Lake is the largest with 1,100 surface acres. Gull Lake is the smallest with 64 acres situated on the eastern slope of the High Sierras at an elevation of 7,600 feet in the beautiful Alpine forest. Swimming, backpacking, horseback riding, hiking, fishing, and hunting are some leisure activities offered. Power boats are permitted with a 10 mph speed restriction with the exception of Grant Lake where water-skiing is permitted. Fishing is limited to brown, rainbow, cutthroat, and brook trout but catches are usually rewarding. June Lake, Gull Lake, and Silver Lake have camping facilities operated by the USFS. For more information contact June Lake Marina at (760) 648-7226. Silver Lake (760) 648-7525. Gull Lake (760) 648-7539. Grant Lake (760) 648-7964. Camping Reservations (800) 280-CAMP. June Lake Mountain Reservations (800) 648-2211.
Lundy Lake
Lundy Lake is located approximately 15 miles northeast of Lee Vining at an elevation of 7,800 feet. Lundy Lake is 1 mile long and 1/2 mile wide with a rocky aspen and pine covered shoreline. There are many hike-in lakes located near the lake and Lundy is the trailhead to the 20 lakes basin. Camping facilities are available at the lake suitable for tents, trailers, and RV's; full hook-ups available. Powered boats are allowed with a 10 mph speed restriction; hand launch only, however, rentals are available at the lake. The fishing at Lundy consists of rainbow, brown, and brook trout but is often very rewarding with both quantify and quality fish. There is a store located at the lake providing bait, tackle, groceries, and supplies. For more information contact Ken's Sporting Goods at (760) 932-7707. Mono County Parks (760) 932-7911.
Mammoth Lakes
The Mammoth Lakes basin rests at the doorway to the beautiful High Sierras. These lakes range from an elevation of 8,540 feet to 9,250 feet. These lakes are heavily stocked with rainbow trout and easily accessed by boat or foot. There are complete facilities located in the community of Mammoth Lakes within a short driving time. The Mammoth Lakes area has numerous camping facilities as well as cabins and resorts. Horseback riding, backpacking, hunting, boating, hiking, and skiing are some of the more popular activities available. Fishing in Mammoth lakes is excellent, all lakes are well stocked with rainbow trout and large native browns are not unusual in your catch. For more information contact Mammoth visitors center at (760) 924-5500. Camping Reservations (800) 280-CAMP. Poconobe Resort (760) 934-2437. Lake Mary Marina (760) 934-5353. Mammoth Mountain RV Park (760) 934-3822. Mammoth Reservation Bureau (800) 462-5571.
Rock Creek Lake
Rock Creek Lake is located approximately 25 miles east of Bishop at an elevation of 9,682 feet in the beautiful Rock Creek Canyon of the Inyo National Forest. Rock Creek Lake contains 65 surface acres of clear, cold, snow melt water. Camping facilities are located near the lake accommodating both tents and RV's; group camping available. Powered boats are allowed although a 5 mph speed limit is enforced. Unimproved launch facilities are available as well as boat rentals at Rock Creek Lake Resort. Fishing is excellent at the lake as well as numerous nearby streams. Rainbow, brown, and brook trout provide a majority of the action but eastern brook and golden trout are also common among limits. For more information contact Rock Creek lakes Resort at (760) 935-4311. Rock Creek Lodge (760) 935-4170. Tom's Place Resort (760) 935-4493. Camping Reservations (800) 280-CAMP. White Mountain Ranger District (760) 873-2500. Also check out www.rockcreeklake.com for information on Rock Creek Lake and surrounding areas.
Saddlebag Lake
Saddlebag Lake is located approximately 13 miles northeast of Lee Vining at an elevation of 10,090 feet and is the highest lake in California that is reachable by road. Saddlebag is situated near the entrance of Yosemite and offers a beautiful, rugged, glacial environment. Boating is limited to small craft (to 16 feet), unimproved launching facilities are available as well as rental boats. There is one campground at the lake suitable for both tents and small RV's. Fishing consists of rainbow, brook, golden, and Kamloop trout and is usually very rewarding for the angler. Concessions are available as well as bait, tackle, and miscellaneous supplies. For more information contact Mono Lake Ranger District at (760) 647-3044. Camping Reservations (800) 280-CAMP.
Tahoe Lake
Nicknamed "The Lake of the Sky" by Mark Twain. Tahoe rests at the elevation of 6,230 feet in the beautiful Sierra Mountains. Lake Tahoe is approximately 22 miles long, 12 miles wide and 72 miles around. Tahoe is famous for crystal clear waters, beautiful mackinaw and Kokanee salmon, and many attractions and activities around the lake. Lake Tahoe has numerous camping facilities located around the lake. Sand Harbor is great for lying around and absorbing the alpine sun. Swimming, fishing, hiking, backpacking, and horseback riding are some activities that are available. For more information contact the Lake Tahoe Visitors Authority at (800) 288-2463. Forest Service Camping (530) 544-5994. State Parks Camping (800) 444-7275. City of South Lake Tahoe Camping (530) 542-6096. Tahoe City Parks & Recreation Camping (530) 583-5544. Kingfish Guide Service (530) 525-5360. North Lake Tahoe Marina (530) 546-8248. Lakeside Marina (530) 541-6626. Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce (530) 541-5255.
Northern California Lakes(Indian valley- Lewiston)